Silica an important component of collagen and connective tissue. Hubner Original Silicea is a mineral supplement derived form quartz crystals and provides 2.8 g of Silicic Acid Anhydride per 100 ml. Suspended in a colloidal preparation; Silica is absorbed quickly and easily. Used commonly throughout Germany for maintenance of youthful, healthy skin, hair and nails. Silicea Gel can be used externally for wrinkles, acne and blemishes or internally helping to replenish collagen supply and encourage skin elasticity. An excellent choice for those who are concerned with brittle nails, thin hair and prematurely aging skin.
Silica an important component of collagen and connective tissue. Hubner Original Silicea is a mineral supplement derived form quartz crystals and provides 2.8 g of Silicic Acid Anhydride per 100 ml. Suspended in a colloidal preparation; Silica is absorbed quickly and easily. Used commonly throughout Germany for maintenance of youthful, healthy skin, hair and nails. Silicea Gel can be used externally for wrinkles, acne and blemishes or internally helping to replenish collagen supply and encourage skin elasticity. An excellent choice for those who are concerned with brittle nails, thin hair and prematurely aging skin.
A Colloidal Preparation Of Silicic Acid.
Encourages Elasticity & Flexibility In The Skin And Bone Matrix.
Ideal For Hair, Skin And Nail Health.
Can Be Used Topically To Help Diminish Fine Lines And Blemishes.
Pleasant Tasting Gel, Easily Digested & Absorbed.
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Per 10ml:
Silicic Acid Anhydride 2.8 g
Free of all common allergens, including: wheat, dairy, eggs, corn, soy, and yeast. Directions:
Internally: Take one tablespoon daily straight or diluted with water.
Externally: Apply directly on the skin or hair.
The Original Silicea formula Naka Gel Silicea formula has been the preferred form of Silica for many years.
Use it Externally:
As face mask to smooth wrinkled skin (Leave on for approx. 10 to 15 minutes or until dry, rinse with warm water then apply your own moisturizing cream)
On face to rid of acne and other skin blemishes
On hair as treatment to slow graying
On skin to heal minor open wounds from bites and burns
and internally:
To replenish collagen supply and reduce physical aging symptoms
To foster strong healthy hair, nails and retain elasticity in skin
To help maintain strong healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis.
Silica – An essential Trace Mineral Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth and is considered an essential trace mineral for human health. It forms structural components of bone and connective tissue, such as collagen. It is especially needed during the early phase of bone mineralization and is found in high concentrations in the bony growth plates.It also forms elastin, a connective tissue that is responsible for the elasticity of connective tissue found in the skin, lungs and blood vessels.
Silicon is thought to protect the body from aluminum accumulation. Silicon levels decline with age and a deficiency of silica may lead to degeneration of the vessels, bones and connective tissue that is commonly seen in the elderly. Silicon is commonly recommended by natural health care practitioners for osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.
Silicon is the inorganic form of the mineral. Silicon is commonly found bonded to oxygen and is called silica or silicon dioxide. This is the organic and supplemental form. It can be taken as a liquid. Encapsulated silica supplements are usually made from horsetail herb, which concentrates silica from the soil. Silicon is naturally abundant in the husks of grains and other high fibre foods but is lost from foods during the refining process.
Disclaimer: The information and product descriptions appearing on this website are for information purposes only, and are not intended to provide or replace medical advice to individuals from a qualified health care professional. Consult with your physician if you have any health concerns, and before initiating any new diet, exercise, supplement, or other lifestyle changes.
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